START to engage in sports right now


to make you healthy

We perform complete body analysis and our process goes with standard body Fat test. This analysis determines how much extra fat we need to get rid of and how much muscle strength is required to make you more healthier than before. These regular assessments serve as an excellent tool to know your own progress.

Types or parameter is considered for test analysis:

  • Body Fat
  • Muscle Mass
  • Visceral Fat
  • Bone Mass
  • BMI(Body Mass Index)
  • Daily Caloric Intake

Every person is different like our own finger prints, so we have to plan accordingly. Considering your daily lifestyle and eating habits we plan your Nutrition Strategies to make your health and life easier. Our diet charts are very easy to follow and you need not sacrifice your favourite foods and starve your body. (You will get reminders and alert from us for your meal plans). Meal plan is totally based on Nutritional Value rather than Calorie Count.

Parameters considered for Nutrition Strategy:

  • Unhealthy Dietary Patterns
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle
  • Control weight & Obesity
  • Nutrition-related Chronic Diseases
  • Improve Nutritional Status
  • Nutritional Food

Whether you’re a professional athlete or a weekend trekker, nutrition plays a fundamental role to your athletic activity. Our balanced diet will optimize your energy levels and help your body to recover. This will help to excel further in your respective sports activities. We have unique sports diet plans for all sports person to gain further stamina/ strength in their respective activities.

Parameters considered for Sports Nutrition:

  • Your Sport Activity
  • Workout Patterns
  • Eating Habits
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Fuel for your Activity
  • Nutritional Resource

Everyone loves to have good food & lead best possible life style. But because of our super busy schedules we forget to have health as our priority. Proper meal timings & a good sleep will always give expected results. Total nutrition analyzes your needs, lifestyle , goals & we provide accurate fitness consultation to make your life happy & healthy.
We truly care for you!

Our Fitness Consultant are:

  • Certified & Qualified
  • Well experienced
  • Responsible & Friendly
  • One-on-One Consultancy
  • Motivational
  • Helpful to meet your goal

If you’ve tried and failed to gain or lose weight before, you may believe that diets don’t work for you. Yes!!!!! Probably you’re right: Improper diets don’t work at all (Diets given without considering your eating habits & lifestyle) — our bodies all respond differently .Different meal plans for different bodies. Total nutrition consults you and provides the healthy way to loose or gain weight through diet & workout which actually gives result.

We truly consider the needs of our clients:

  • Likes & Dislikes
  • Physical Activity
  • Workouts & Exercise
  • Nutritional Needs
  • Medical Issues & Allergies
  • Smart Diet Plan

Workout plays a very vital role for healthy life and you need to have your workout routines managed properly. Only diet plans and no exercise at all will never help and vice versa. We guide and train you to achieve your goals or maintain/ lose weight to make you beautiful & more confident within.

We track workout routines to make you healthy:

  • Customised Exercise Plan
  • Change pattern in exercise
  • Progress Tracking
  • Workout Planning
  • Personal Training
  • Yoga & Gym Workout